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Happy Family

Build a Lasting Legacy

Honoring Loved Ones, Supporting Families

Losing a loved one is one of life’s most difficult experiences, and the emotional and financial toll can be overwhelming. The Legacy Campaign is a unique opportunity to honor the memory of those we’ve lost by turning their legacy into a source of hope for others. At Life Interrupted, we understand that grief is personal, but it’s also universal. Through this campaign, we aim to support families and individuals dealing with unexpected loss by providing emergency grants for essential needs, while also ensuring that the legacies of those we’ve lost live on.

The Legacy Campaign is a  fundraising initiative that empowers individuals to create their own personal fundraisers in memory of a loved one. Each campaign is dedicated to raising awareness and funds to provide emergency financial support to those facing sudden loss. These grants help cover essential expenses like food, rent, utilities, funeral costs, and grief counseling for families, children, and individuals in need.


What makes this campaign truly special is that all money raised through a legacy fundraiser will be used to offer grants in the name of the person being honored. It’s more than just a fundraiser—it’s a way to keep your loved one’s memory alive by directly impacting the lives of others going through a similar journey of grief.


Create your Legacy Page

When you start a legacy campaign, you’re not only fundraising—you’re sharing your loved one’s story and honoring their life. You’ll have the opportunity to create a personalized page where you can tell others about the person you’re remembering and why this campaign is meaningful to you.​


Join us, and create your Legacy Page here.

life interrupted foundation
facing unexpected loss of a loved one


Spread the Word

Once your fundraiser is set up, you can share it with friends, family, and your wider community. Whether through social media, email, or word of mouth, your network can rally behind you to make a real difference.


Support Those in Need

The funds raised through your campaign will be used to provide critical support to individuals and families in need. Each grant will be given in the name of your loved one, creating a lasting legacy that continues to touch lives.

facing the unexpected loss of a loved one

The funds raised through Life Interrupted's Legacy Campaign go directly to families, individuals, and children who have experienced the sudden loss of a loved one.


Each grant we provide lightens the financial burden, allowing families to focus on healing rather than worrying about how they’ll cover their next bill. And because the funds are given in honor of your loved one, their legacy will continue to make an impact on the lives of others.


Together we are building a legacy of love and support, ensuring that no one ever feels forgotten, and no family is left without the help they need.

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