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Life Interrupted
Case Advocate

Charitable giving for patient support
Financial aid for sudden loss

The LIF Case Advocate is a volunteer opportunity which allows our advocates to act on behalf of the bereaved in completing the tasks and steps following the death of a loved one. After a tragic event, there are some people who struggle to do anything and need physical help in the beginning stages of sorting the affairs. There are those who do not have a large support group to help with these tasks.



At Life Interrupted Foundation, we are here to help everyone in need of added support and to advocate on their behalf if they so choose.



The LIF Case Advocate is crucial to our mission to ease the burden in the aftermath of a loved one’s passing. We fully understand that each person has a different circumstance and handles tragedy in their own way. We have created our Case Advocacy division of volunteers to offer an all-encompassing program to assist with the responsibilities that follow.


In order to become a Case Advocate at Life Interrupted Foundation, it is required that an application must be approved upon a background check, and specific training is completed by our Program Director and Volunteer Coordinator.


A background check and signed consent form is required for this position as our advocates will be dealing with personal and confidential material. This volunteer opportunity also requires a greater time commitment. When the bereaved chooses to use our Case Advocates, they are then designated a specific volunteer to help through the process and steps until they have completed the assignment.


If this volunteer needs added support from our team, they can request this through our staff at Life Interrupted Foundation. While our ultimate concern is the well-being of the bereaved, we are here to help our volunteers with whatever they may need.

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