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Eligibility Requirements

To ensure fair and equitable distribution of financial aid, the Life Interrupted Foundation's LIFT Program has established specific criteria for applicants.

The criteria include:

losing a loved one
unexpected loss of a loved one
Nature of loss
Income level

The death must be sudden or unexpected. The program defines an unexpected death
as one that occurs without prior warning or within one week of an incident. This includes accidents and sudden illnesses that result in death within this timeframe.

Applicants must demonstrate financial need by providing proof of low income.
Individuals earning less than $50,000 per year, or dual-income households earning
less than $50,000 annually, are considered for aid.

facing the unexpected loss of a loved one
Lack of death benefits

Applicants must show that there are no significant death benefits, such as life
insurance or 401k payouts, available to them. If funeral and burial costs have been covered by other means but no additional benefits are available, applicants may still qualify for monthly expense aid.


Applicants must submit the following documents:

  • Last three bank statements
  • Previous years tax return 
  • Death certificate
  • Proof of relationship to the deceased
  • Proof of no significant death benefits
  • Monthly bills and expenses
  • Estimated funeral and burial costs

In order to receive LIFT grants, the loss has to have happened within 6 months of application.


To receive an IMPACT grant the loss can be within 12 months of application.

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