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Life Interrupted Foundation

Our Story

Scott Pinel

Emmy Sass, the Founder and CEO of the Life Interrupted Foundation, lost her fiancé, Scott Pinel, tragically and unexpectedly on March 31, 2023. The couple was preparing to leave for their wedding trip scheduled for April 15, 2023.

Emmy received the devastating news that Scott was missing at 1:28 pm on March 31, 2023 and the official confirmation that he was indeed deceased came over two hours later, at 3:38 pm. In an instant, Emmys world crumbled in front of her eyes. Shattered by the news of Scott’s passing, Emmy also found herself thrust into the daunting role of managing his affairs. She was prepared for a wedding, and had never imagined that instead, she would be planning a funeral. The following weeks were a blur of grief, confusion, and overwhelming responsibilities as she navigated the aftermath of Scotts passing.


In the process, Emmy began to have a deepening understanding of the immense challenges faced by those dealing with loss, coupled with the lack of adequate support systems. This realization stirred a deep desire within Emmy to make a difference and address the prevalent gaps in our societal response to loss. She recognized the transformative impact her story could have on countless individuals that have also experienced such tragedy. Emmy envisioned a comprehensive organization that could provide guidance and support to bereaved families and individuals: Life Interrupted Foundation.

Losing someone dear can feel like navigating through a maze of emotions, but remember, you're not alone. 

Our compassionate support is here to guide you through this challenging journey, one step at a time.

helping others through the loss of a loved one

Our Mission

It is the mission of Life Interrupted Foundation to help every family, child, or individual who has endured the life altering loss of a loved one. Through emotional support, essential resources, and access to financial assistance, we aim to help individuals navigate the difficulties and challenges that arise from a tragic loss.

Our Vision

The vision of Life Interrupted Foundation is to create a world where all families, children and individuals who have experienced the unexpected loss of a loved one find solace, support, and hope. We strive to be a beacon of light during their darkest moments, offering a compassionate and understanding community that embraces them with open arms, and helps to navigate through the challenges that come with a sudden and untimely death.

Holding Hands
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