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facing unexpected loss hand in hand
Life Interrupted Programs

At Life Interrupted Foundation, our mission is to provide holistic support to families and individuals navigating the complexities of loss.


We offer a range of programs designed to address the unique needs of those we serve, from emotional and financial assistance to advocacy and education.

"The only cure for Grief is to Grieve..."

helping those facing unexpected loss
grief counseling


GUIDE is an online platform designed to be a comprehensive resource for those navigating the aftermath of losing a loved one. This platform provides a detailed checklist of tasks and responsibilities that need to be addressed, organized in a time-sensitive manner. We’ve thoroughly researched all the necessary steps to ensure nothing is overlooked. However, we recognize that every loss is unique, so not every situation will follow the same process, and some may require additional steps.


To support our grieving hearts further, we have built an extensive network of partners who can offer specialized assistance beyond what we provide directly.


Additionally, our LIF Volunteers are available to research and connect with resources in areas where we may not yet have established partnerships, ensuring that anyone in need can access the information and support they require to move forward with their responsibilities.

Life interrupted foundation


Our IMPACT Volunteer Program at Life Interrupted is designed to provide hands-on support to families and individuals coping with the loss of a loved one. Recognizing the immense responsibility that often falls on one or more individuals after a death, we believe it is essential to offer an advocacy program where our volunteers can assist with some of these burdens.


Our volunteers are here to guide the bereaved through necessary steps, answer questions about the process, make phone calls on their behalf, and even help initiate funeral arrangements.


We understand that everyone processes grief differently—some may wish to handle everything themselves, while others may find it difficult to take any action at all. Our goal is to be there for those who feel completely overwhelmed.


The LIF IMPACT Volunteer Program is invaluable in offering families and individuals the space to begin their mourning process while easing the load of responsibilities that often accompany loss.

IMPACT Counseling Grants

Life Interrupted Foundation’s first grant program has been designed to help individuals cover the costs of grief counseling. We recognize that financial strain often accompanies loss, and we believe that everyone in need of individual or group counseling should have access to it, regardless of their financial situation.


Prioritizing self-care after a loss is crucial, and seeking professional support is an essential part of that healing process.To learn more about IMPACT Counseling Grants criteria, eligibility and process, click here

Scott Pinel

LIFT Grants

Our second grant giving program is our LIFT Financial Aid Program which provides essential financial assistance to families experiencing hardship following the loss of a loved one. These grants are specifically designed to cover critical living expenses, such as rent, utilities, or towards funeral expenses.


The grants will be paid directly towards rent, bills, or to the funeral home, ensuring the donations from our generous supporters are allocated properly. This initiative allows families the extra breathing room they need to focus on healing.


As part of our commitment to ongoing support, the LIFT program accepts applications monthly, with the goal of expanding our capacity and increasing our funding abilities to help as many families as possible.To learn more about LIFT Grants criteria, eligibility and our process, click here

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